Migrante International Expresses Solidarity with the Palestinian People and Demand the Safety of Filipinos Affected by the Escalating Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Press Statement, May 15, 2021

Today May 15th, 2021 marks 73 years since the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israeli Forces and Colonial Settlers, which is called Nakba, or the day of shame.

Migrante International supports the struggle of the Palestinian people against the settler colonialist regime of Israel.

We blame Netanyahu and the Israeli Zionists for systematically escalating the conflict these past few days by allowing armed Israeli
settlers to forcibly displace the peaceful Palestinian community in Sheikh Jarah in Jerusalem, for the burning of the Al Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites, for the bombing and massacre of the civilian people of Gaza by the Israeli Forces, and the police tolerating the systematic mob attacks by Israelis against Palestinian neighborhoods.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Filipinos are caught in the conflict and are fearful for their lives and safety.  We demand quick and decisive action by the Duterte government to ensure the safety of Filipinos by organizing speedy evacuation and repatriation from critical areas. An immediate comprehensive response plan is needed to ensure the safety and protection of our Kababayans.

This conflict is the result of seventy three years of the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine supported by the United States, the
Central European Powers and their allies.  For seventy three years since Nakba,  the Israeli regime has driven more than 500 peaceful Palestinian communities and installed armed Israeli settlers.  They established a system of Apartheid against the Palestinians and depriving them of their civil and political rights. This must stop!

We at Migrante International demand the immediate cessation of hostilities and Israeli bombing of Gaza, the withdrawal of the illegal Israeli settlers in Palestinian communities, the release of political detainees, and the return of occupied territories to Palestine.  We demand the immediate action of the UN Security Council and the withdrawal of support by the United States, Europe and their Allies to the illegal Israeli regime. We support the International Criminal Courts investigation of Israeli War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza and Occupied Palestine.

Lastly, on this, the day of Nakba, we support the struggle of the Palestinian people to return to their communities as guaranteed by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3236 that reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence and sovereignty, and the right of Palestinians to return to their homes and property. ###

Photo from Inquirer.net